Monday, July 24, 2006


.I went to the amazing PS1 in Queens on Saturday. It is an arm of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) - I'm yet to have a look at their renovated digs in Midtown - I hear 'incredible'.

Anyway back to PS1. They hold parties there each Saturday over the summer from 3pm until 9pm (my kind of time frame for a summer party). It's a gallery come museum/art installation/performance space and is housed in an aged school building; Primary School #1 in Long Island City. It is filled with caged cast-iron stair cases, long stone corridors, big whitewash classrooms and stainless steel kiddie bubblers. They even filmed the movie Fame there. It's a really cool place.

I went along with my new mate Joanna (a gorgeous South African/American I know through my Melbourne friend Talya) and her friends: Ted (from New Orleans but now living in NYC) and Alicia (a lovely American doctor). We ambled around Williamsburg in Brooklyn in the early afternoon, eating famous falafels and boozing it up in converted lofts, then headed down to PS1 after the storms subsided (it has been raining like cats and dogs here - going from sticky and unbearable 38+ degrees Celsius heat waves to torrential rain and violent thunder storms - I was caught last Tuesday in Central Park after seeing the New York Philharmonic; soaked to every inch of my person like I've never been soaked before). Anyhow, I digress.

PS1 was fantastic fun. I danced my body to near boiling point (the DJs were pumping out excellent tunes) then ambled around the air conditioned gallery spaces to recuperate. The modern art is pretty lively - lots to like, lots of weird, lots of neon post-modern pop-culture 'responses', lots of simple streaks and shades, and so on and so forth... I especially liked one work: chunky streaks of bright pastel green, pink and blue paint on a medieval water wheel from a monastery in Spain. The photography and glass sculpture sections were my favourites. Then some more dancing and general exploring and then it was time to leave. Crap! I must go back on a sunnier day. I just love how they are using this living breathing historical space.

They even have an ice-box/cooling room near the entrance should you get too hot. In this room is laid wall-to-wall, huge metre long cubes of ice for punters to relieve their aching and steamy bodies.

What a fun day, well weekend. Between PS1 and other escapades to rooftops parties and karaoke bars it was a pretty rowdy weekend. Home on Sunday to NJ for some family times and homework. There's lots more pics on the Flickr site so check it out,

On the way home from the city after PS1 and drinks.
3am on the Lower East Side.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Omigod TS, you truly ARE in Fame. Drag runs all the way baby.

1:09 AM  

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