Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Theatre report

These are the shows I saw in New York and on my travels. If I'd had more time, a laptop, a dictaphone, and any critical writing skill, I would have given them a little review whilst on the road but now you'll just have to ask me about them when I'm back in Melby town. I love talking theatre over a fine Melbourne coffee as many of you may already know.

Broadway things:
25th Annual Putnam Spelling Bee (light and fun show at Circle in the Square)
Lieutenant of Inishmore (excellent Atlantic Theater Company show moved up to Broadway)
The History Boys (excellent National Theatre of Britain show, was also in Sydney this year)
Sweeney Todd (fantastic chamber production where all the stellar cast were the orchestra too)
3 failed attempts at seeing Avenue Q (crap, crap, crap lottery system for sold out show!)

Off and Off-Off Broadway:
Eraritjaritjaka at the Lincoln Centre Arts Festival
Stuck Pigs Showing at Ontological
Rosmersholm, an Ibsen play at 59E59
Starshine Burlesque (cheap $5 randy and eye opening burlesque in the East Village)
Mother Courage at the Public Theater in Central Park (starring incredible Meryl Streep)
Two new American play readings in the Village (I performed in one of them)

Edinburgh Festival:
Knots at Aurora Nova (incredible physical theatre piece seen when very jet lagged)
Macbeth Re-Arisen (well written sequel starring my talented mate Claire Glenn)
Improbable Frequency at the Traverse (highlight of the Festival for me, an Irish musical wonder)


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