Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Home now

I am home. What an utterly amazing three months. I'm unable to describe adequately the time I've just had. I think it'll take some time to digest the rich gamut of experiences. It still feels a bit like a dream. I certainly had the time of my life and I don't doubt that it'll take a little down time to re-insert myself into Melbourne life and routines. That said, it's good to be home.

Thank you so much to all the people I stayed with on my travels, and to all of you that I met for the first time and also to old mates I caught up with after long stints apart. A selection of photos are on my Flickr page.
I'm still a bit weary and bleary-eyed so I may take a couple of weeks to catch up with all my favourite peeps. I'll see you soon no doubt don't worry about that. I'm not sure whether I'll keep up the blog. There are a plethora of wonderfully relevant, kooky and regular bloggers out there writing richly interesting and hilarious copy. I think I'll remain a reader for the time being until more inspiration and/or local political woes finally strike me to action. Thanks for reading. Ciao for now...


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